Registration Information
Please go over to the programs tab and then click youth summer programs for ages 5-14. (Intermediate, Advanced, Travel)
For legion, please go over to the programs tab and then click legion registration.
WFB Timeline of Events:
11/15/2024 Registration opens for RRVL, Travel, Travel Winter Workouts, and Legion Winter Workouts.
12/15/2024 Registration opens for Legion Season.
1/5/2025 Winter workouts begin for travel and legion.
3/1/2025 Registration closes for all West Fargo Baseball summer programs.
3/16/2025 Travel tryouts at the Rustad Center.
3/19/2025 Travel Team announcements
3/31/2025 Roster submission deadline for RRVL
4/4/2025 Announce 5/6U & WFB RRVL Rosters (7-13U) 14/15's will be announced after legion tryouts.
4/16/2025 Equipment Handout at Young Field for 7U-15U coaches.
4/21/2025 Practice begins. (Dependent on weather)
4/27 & 5/11 Legion Tryouts
May 12th Start of 7U-12U RRVL Program
May 14th Announce Legion Rosters and 14/15 RRVL Rosters
May 19th Picture Week
May 19th Start of 5/6 & 13-15U Programs.
May 26 No RRVL
June 2 Start of Legion Season
July 2-6 No RRVL
End of July End of RRVL
- 5U & 6U: $100
- 7U & 8U: $250
- 9U-12U: $330
- 13U-15U: $350
- Legion: Patriots $600 Vets, Aces, & Rattlers $550
Three or More athletes participating in West Fargo Baseball?
If you have three or more athletes in your family, we will provide free registration for summer programming for your third athlete and any additional athletes beyond that. This includes all our available summer programs. (Legion, Travel, RRVL) The coupon or reimbursement will be applied to your youngest athlete in the program. To receive this registration discount, please contact our office and let us know what age(s) and program(s) your athletes will be registering for.
About the Red River Valley League (RRVL)
The RRVL combines teams from West Fargo, Fargo, Moorhead, and surrounding communities. Games are scheduled in West Fargo, Fargo, or Moorhead with the potential of playing in DGF, Hawley, Kindred, & Casselton.
You can select either Intermediate or Advanced when registering. We group players based on the skill level chosen, coach/player request, schools/neighborhoods. With that being said, roster sizes may affect team formation.
Within the Red River Valley League, you can select your age division based off of the Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth age chart or the Little League age chart. To view the Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth age chart please click here. To view the Little League age chart please click here.
West Fargo Travel Program
The West Fargo travel program offers competitive baseball for 9U-14U players, with opportunities to play against top competition regionally, including participation in various tournaments and the North Dakota State Tournament.
Within our travel program, you must participate under the Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth age chart. To view this age chart please click here.
Learn more about the West Fargo travel program by clicking here.
We recommend anyone that is interested in trying out for our travel program to participate in our travel winter workouts starting on January 5th.
West Fargo Legion Program
West Fargo Baseball offers four legion teams, Patriots (19U), Vets (19U), Aces (17U), Rattlers (17U). Tryouts for this program will occur on April 27 and May 11th and ages 15-18 can participate. Our legion registration will open on December 15th, at that time we will have our schedules, coaching staff, fees, and other important information posted.
We recommend anyone that is interested in trying out for our legion program to participate in our legion winter workouts starting on January 5th.
Age Charts:
For the Red River Valley League (RRVL), players can choose between the Cal Ripken and Little League age charts.
Example: If Sam was born in August 2014, Little League considers him 11 for the 2025 season, while Cal Ripken considers him 10. Sam may choose to compete in either the 10U or 11U division.
Game Nights (RRVL)
- 5U & 6U: Monday & Wednesday
- 7U: Monday & Wednesday
- 8U: Tuesday & Thursday
- 9U & 10U: Monday & Wednesday
- 11U & 12U: Tuesday & Thursday
- 13U: Monday and/or Wednesday
- 14/15U: Monday-Thursday (pending field availability)
Practice NightsPractice schedules will be determined after teams are formed with practices typically held 1 to 2 times during the week for ages 7-15U. 5/6U schedule is M/W, with a 30-minute practice and a 45-minute game.
7-9U has one field practice slot per week.
10U & above has one field practice slot per week and one cage practice slot per week.
All travel teams have one field practice and one cage practice assigned by West Fargo Baseball throughout the week.
West Fargo Baseball assigns days & times for field and batting practice availability, but each team's actual practice session itinerary is determined by coaches.
Team Assignments & Volunteer Coaches
We are always in need of volunteer coaches, so please consider coaching your child's team. There is information about drills, etc. in our baseball development page on our website.
Coaches are allowed to form their own team if the player's parent/guardian agrees to play for them. You need to make sure that the player is committed to your team and advanced/intermediate level. If submitting a roster, the deadline is March 31st, 2025. Coaches can submit rosters as soon as registration begins. They will receive additional information in a separate email as the season gets closer.
After registration closes on March 1st and travel teams are picked at the end of the week on 3/23/2025, we will put together the remaining RRVL league team rosters. After rosters are finalized, you will be notified via email by your coach. The team/league schedule will be put together shortly after rosters are completed. After the league schedule is formed, we will then notify you of your practice schedule.
During the registration process, you will have the ability to request a certain coach or player(s) to participate with for the RRVL. Please make sure that the coach/player you request is not on a pre-formed team and is within the same level. (Intermediate/Advanced) We try to accommodate all requests to the best of our ability. After we search through each request, we then try to place athletes with other athletes who go to the same school or neighboring schools.
Additional Questions?
Visit our FAQ link below to help answer any questions you may have or email us at [email protected].